The often repeated idea that today’s children are far ruder than kids of previous years to their teachers is pretty much a sadly accepted truth these days. We hear shocking stories of classroom behavior we older folks feel sure we would never have gotten away with (though a recent UK news article prefaced an article on the topic with the provocative headline “If you think today’s kids are rude in the classroom wait til you see the teachers.”

The truth is – we could all afford to be a little more polite – more civil – to each other. It makes things smoother from the classroom to the boardroom…a  little empathy and politeness goes a very long way, whether we are talking about a kids relationship with their peers and teachers – or  those teachers relationships with their own co workers and workplace superiors.

Recent research that In Good Company CEO Lew Bayer reported on in her book for a corporate audience, “The 30% Solution,” shows that a company can actually increase its profits by nearly a third just by putting Civility in the business plan.  The same results must be true for the classroom – people in good environments where they are respected, perform better.